Thursday, February 7, 2008

Avatar and Adsense

I almost forgot to create my avatar. No, I'm not Elvis but I decided to have a little fun with it since all the elements were available on Yahoo. I also included my Google adsense link since Google made it so easy to include. If I am able to track revenue attributed to this blog I'll probably give it to our Friends just to be fair. I also created a news post but it seems like there is no control over the background of the news section. I'll have to peek around and see if Blogger lets you tweak the style sheet or HTML any so that it doesn't get lost in the background.


aurora said...

I love the idea of a cataloging Elvis. This just makes my day.

Ann said...

Congrats on getting started with 23 Things on a Stick! Both Thing #1 and Thing #1.5.

SELCO staff, including me, will be working through the program as well. We hope to have fun along the way and will offer the opportunity for regional prizes to all who complete the program by National Library Week. Enjoy!

Ann Hutton at SELCO